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POTOO delivers actionable analytics with concierge service, giving clients the power to take back control of their brands in the online marketplace, arming them with a crucial edge over the competition, and leading to transformational growth.

Price instability, product inconsistency, unauthorized foreign goods, expired and stolen items and counterfeits are rampant, and they all harm consumer trust, brand consistency and a brand’s bottom line. By providing in-depth data, collected using our proprietary system, and working tirelessly to fix these problems, Potoo protects brands and their online presence.

Specialties:  E-Commerce, Marketing, Sales, Amazon.com Marketplace, Data Services, Data Solutions, Online Retail, Amazon, Online Marketplaces, Data Provider, Online Shopping, Walmart.com, Retail, Dashboard, Technology, Data Analytics, Technology, Monitoring, and Tracking

Case Studies:
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Stash Can Problem
A Messy Situation: Reclaiming Melted Products & Lost Revenues Through Test Buys
Keeping Families Safe: Identifying Cons Shipping Baby Probiotics
Success Story: Cutting Through the Confusion When Buying Online


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